Been trying to make a quick list of the most annoying issues and bugs that really slow down new players.
People have any other issues to add to the list? You can post them here or send them to me else where.
If I made a mistake on the list, you can leave a comment on it.
The spreadsheet:
And of course I would love it for you to look at this Haxus.
Light summary of spreadsheet's content:
- Asteroid Warning Missing
- Spacecraft Lost in Deep Space / Spacecraft Yeet Bug
- NPC's EV suits don't work
- Starmap Search Tool Issues
- Military Base doesn't Import Food
- Ships warping in the same sector collide
- Spacecraft Repair Time Too Long
- Running Manufacturing Line Adds Too Many Workers
- Manufacturing Production Bonuses Calculation Error
- Monster Encounters are confusing and not fun
- Logging Camp Issues
Great list. Getting yeeted and thrown outside the galaxy for no reason is probably the one most getting on my nerves at the moment, along with the Construction Screen crash if opening the screen up too fast before it decides to download/populate the building blueprints.
From what I've experienced today, Monster Encounters can spawn a bunch of huge monsters inside your bridge, even when landed on a moon with no atmosphere. That is also pretty random and annoying, although I imagine it's very rare.
roll backs
Thank you Dean
(03-29-2022, 10:59 AM)Gabeux Wrote: [ -> ]From what I've experienced today, Monster Encounters can spawn a bunch of huge monsters inside your bridge, even when landed on a moon with no atmosphere. That is also pretty random and annoying, although I imagine it's very rare.
I don't think I would classify monster encounters as a bug, but it is a rather strange feature. We have no way to really mitigate the issue, it is impossible to prevent unless you never trade with cities and having troops stand guard doesn't seem to help much.
Monster encounters are just not fun. In my experience they often are extremely powerful and can and WILL kill you not only through walls but through floors of spacecraft if the floors are close enough together. They often quickly wipe out the entire crew of the ship, even if you have a bunch of troops, and rarely seem to add anything but annoyance. I suspect their only true purpose was as a way to prevent/discourage people from AFK flying ships around, since the monsters will kill the crew and the ship will stop doing whatever it's doing meanwhile the AFK player gets stuck in an infinite respawn-death routine if their berth is within the kill range.
Heavy trading is not "the cause" of them, at least not the sole trigger. I generally have them happen when I am AFK surveying.
If the desire is to stop players from AFK surveying then the survey system needs a rework instead.
(03-30-2022, 02:43 AM)martianant Wrote: [ -> ]Heavy trading is not "the cause" of them, at least not the sole trigger. I generally have them happen when I am AFK surveying.
If the desire is to stop players from AFK surveying then the survey system needs a rework instead.
The actual monster encounter doesn't happen unless an online avatar is on the ship and some random chance, but supposedly one of the events that flag the ship as ready for a monster encounter is trading with city. If there are other events that can flag the ship as ready for a monster encounter, we don't know them.
Anyway, this is off-topic for this thread. Please make a separate thread if you want to discuss this further.
Things I would add to the list:
Large designs unable to calculate volume (
* I hope it is self evident why for this one
Building Blueprint multiple intended purposes (
* With this we can start to declutter a lot of the exchange
Change Module for station without having to replace it (
* The Null modules and choosing modules at manufacture would help alleviate this, but I feel like this could be a 'quick fix' that Haxus might be able to do in the mean time and overall is still worth having for when using existing stations/ blueprints to base a new design off of.
Add Starmap XML export back (no dedicated thread for this, but it's been posted about across many)
* The search tool, even if it wasn't constantly freezing the game or taking forever to load a few hundred systems, it just fairly inadequate at it's job especially compared to the dedicated tools others have made. The original reason for adding this in game tool was because Haxus thought it was 'unfair' that some people knew about the 3rd party options and that it gave some kind of advantage. I don't see why we can't have both. To get the in game tool to a level of parity that 3rd party tools wouldn't be leagues better would take even more dev time that Haxus could instead spend on adding new mechanics, fixing existing gameplay mechanics, or critical bugs. The only tweak from how XML worked before is just being able to control how much is exported, so that once players get comically large starmaps it doesn't crash trying to export many thousands like it sometimes did before. I think using the requery tool and only exporting what exists would take care of that, so you can select a sector, clear starmap and only requery the surrounding 3 sectors, and then only that data would be exported when you hit export.
I had a bunch of little monsters spawn the other day from a "nest" in an open crate. They were docile, just wandered around the ship and looked like the chest busters from Alien. Is that part of the monster spawn feature or something else? I didn't mind it at all. Definitely added some atmosphere.
By far the worst annoyances for me are the blueprint freeze and the Voyager bug. Honestly, almost none of the OP's complaints really bother me too much.
(03-31-2022, 01:27 AM)GaelicVigil Wrote: [ -> ]I had a bunch of little monsters spawn the other day from a "nest" in an open crate. They were docile, just wandered around the ship and looked like the chest busters from Alien. Is that part of the monster spawn feature or something else? I didn't mind it at all. Definitely added some atmosphere.
By far the worst annoyances for me are the blueprint freeze and the Voyager bug. Honestly, almost none of the OP's complaints really bother me too much.
Sounds like Rats instead of the Monster Encounter. They spawn when there is food around. Clear them using the Service Spacecraft option.