08-23-2018, 11:13 PM
Capital City, Capitol Building
Usage of the word capital vs capitol was incorrect in some places.
Thank you Deantwo for helping me get this right. I think the usage is correct in all places now.
Shield Operator Detects Own Ship
When ordered to keep shields raised if any other units are detected, the shield operator raises the shields due to his own ship.
Shield operator no longer sees his own ship when scanning. This could have affected other scanning activities. They were also fixed.
Atmospheric Pressure
It would be nice if the weather information on the compass window included the barometric pressure.
Compass window now shows barometric pressure in bars. This is the result of a simple formula and won't produce realistic results on gas giants. The highest pressure the game will ever report is 4.053bars. That is significantly less than the atmospheric pressure of a real gas giant.
Swim Ashore Death
A player created a road across some water. When you swim ashore to the steep bank of the road, you get hit with a bunch of damage due to collision with terrain.
This flushed out a bug when applying a vector offset due to your prone body position. The vector was applied incorrectly but was never noticed previously.
The error caused by the incorrect vector calculation caused a prone body to climb steep hills with its eye balls. The body stuck out straight into space.
With the error fixed, the body now orients to lie flat on the terrain, as it should.
However, in this swimming case the terrain is so steep that the body rotates flat to the terrain then slides backward down into the water. It took a little fiddling to figure out how to get out of the water. It seemed to work best to swim up to the terrain parallel to the water line then stand as soon as I got out of the water. It took some practice but then it was a sheer cliff.
Claim to Create Empire
When a person of empire 0 hand crafts a flag, they are presented with a UI to create an empire first. If they somehow acquire a flag without hand crafting, it does nothing when they click on the terrain.
When an empire 0 avatar clicks on the terrain with a flag, they are now presented with the UI for creating a new empire.
Disease and Poison on Death
When a body dies due to poison, the poison condition is removed. If they die for some other reason, their poison and disease conditions persist. That can be annoying.
That is working as designed but it turns out to be obnoxious.
Now when a body dies, all disease and poison is removed from the body, regardless of the cause of death. This creates an easy out, to rid yourself of diseases, poison, acid and fire.
Map Key Update Bug
Key of handy places to see on the map does not update when things change.
Fixed map key to update when the window becomes visible. If you need it to refresh, close and reopen it.
500 Building Limit
There should be a limit to the number of buildings on a world.
The total number of buildings on a world should now be kept less than 500. A -1 morale penalty is incurred for every building beyond that number.
One single building can use up all the available building volume on a world so there is no need to build a thousand of them.
World Building Congestion Indicator
The indicator on the Construction window to show amount of development on the world is awful or terrible, not sure which. I can't stand it.
Reworked the building congestion indicator. It now draws a simple representation of the world landscape with a city that grows as your city grows. The tool tip gives the numbers.
After a little travelling around, I found it to be a very useful and interesting indicator for getting a sense of world development at a glance. I really like it.
City Abandonment
New style cities were reporting abandonment when they should have been fine.
Fixed an error when deciding which cities are immune to abandonment due to the presence of capitals.
Broker Chatter Spam
Walking onto the site of a broker triggers a thought message about the broker not having any shipments. This gets annoying.
Broker comments are now stated only if you press the refresh button. A refresh is silent when triggered by walking onto the site.
Enemy Crew from Free City
A ship boarded crew from a free (empire 0) city. The crew that came aboard were enemies.
Free cities will no longer board crew or officers to any ship.
Can't Open Door
A door was stuck open. Attempting to close the door created the message, "The door cannot be opened."
Fixed response from stuck doors to say "opened" or "closed" as appropriate to the current door state.
Life Support Inadequate for Inferno Atmosphere
This error is misleading when trying to build on an airless moon in the inferno zone.
The error message was poorly worded. It was changed to say, "Life support inadequate for inferno conditions."
City Report Ships
New cities do not report ships like old cities.
New cities now report ships on their city report. They report all ships that are on the site of any of their buildings, not roads. If the city has any sensors, then all ships in orbit are reported. Ships of their empire in orbit are always reported, regardless of sensors.
Old cities report ships in orbit, only if the ships are units of the city's empire.
Event Log
New cities do not report an event log like old cities.
New cities now report their event log. Some tuning may be needed to get the right events into the log and to not report events too often or that don't matter.
Usage of the word capital vs capitol was incorrect in some places.
Thank you Deantwo for helping me get this right. I think the usage is correct in all places now.
Shield Operator Detects Own Ship
When ordered to keep shields raised if any other units are detected, the shield operator raises the shields due to his own ship.
Shield operator no longer sees his own ship when scanning. This could have affected other scanning activities. They were also fixed.
Atmospheric Pressure
It would be nice if the weather information on the compass window included the barometric pressure.
Compass window now shows barometric pressure in bars. This is the result of a simple formula and won't produce realistic results on gas giants. The highest pressure the game will ever report is 4.053bars. That is significantly less than the atmospheric pressure of a real gas giant.
Swim Ashore Death
A player created a road across some water. When you swim ashore to the steep bank of the road, you get hit with a bunch of damage due to collision with terrain.
This flushed out a bug when applying a vector offset due to your prone body position. The vector was applied incorrectly but was never noticed previously.
The error caused by the incorrect vector calculation caused a prone body to climb steep hills with its eye balls. The body stuck out straight into space.
With the error fixed, the body now orients to lie flat on the terrain, as it should.
However, in this swimming case the terrain is so steep that the body rotates flat to the terrain then slides backward down into the water. It took a little fiddling to figure out how to get out of the water. It seemed to work best to swim up to the terrain parallel to the water line then stand as soon as I got out of the water. It took some practice but then it was a sheer cliff.
Claim to Create Empire
When a person of empire 0 hand crafts a flag, they are presented with a UI to create an empire first. If they somehow acquire a flag without hand crafting, it does nothing when they click on the terrain.
When an empire 0 avatar clicks on the terrain with a flag, they are now presented with the UI for creating a new empire.
Disease and Poison on Death
When a body dies due to poison, the poison condition is removed. If they die for some other reason, their poison and disease conditions persist. That can be annoying.
That is working as designed but it turns out to be obnoxious.
Now when a body dies, all disease and poison is removed from the body, regardless of the cause of death. This creates an easy out, to rid yourself of diseases, poison, acid and fire.
Map Key Update Bug
Key of handy places to see on the map does not update when things change.
Fixed map key to update when the window becomes visible. If you need it to refresh, close and reopen it.
500 Building Limit
There should be a limit to the number of buildings on a world.
The total number of buildings on a world should now be kept less than 500. A -1 morale penalty is incurred for every building beyond that number.
One single building can use up all the available building volume on a world so there is no need to build a thousand of them.
World Building Congestion Indicator
The indicator on the Construction window to show amount of development on the world is awful or terrible, not sure which. I can't stand it.
Reworked the building congestion indicator. It now draws a simple representation of the world landscape with a city that grows as your city grows. The tool tip gives the numbers.
After a little travelling around, I found it to be a very useful and interesting indicator for getting a sense of world development at a glance. I really like it.
City Abandonment
New style cities were reporting abandonment when they should have been fine.
Fixed an error when deciding which cities are immune to abandonment due to the presence of capitals.
Broker Chatter Spam
Walking onto the site of a broker triggers a thought message about the broker not having any shipments. This gets annoying.
Broker comments are now stated only if you press the refresh button. A refresh is silent when triggered by walking onto the site.
Enemy Crew from Free City
A ship boarded crew from a free (empire 0) city. The crew that came aboard were enemies.
Free cities will no longer board crew or officers to any ship.
Can't Open Door
A door was stuck open. Attempting to close the door created the message, "The door cannot be opened."
Fixed response from stuck doors to say "opened" or "closed" as appropriate to the current door state.
Life Support Inadequate for Inferno Atmosphere
This error is misleading when trying to build on an airless moon in the inferno zone.
The error message was poorly worded. It was changed to say, "Life support inadequate for inferno conditions."
City Report Ships
New cities do not report ships like old cities.
New cities now report ships on their city report. They report all ships that are on the site of any of their buildings, not roads. If the city has any sensors, then all ships in orbit are reported. Ships of their empire in orbit are always reported, regardless of sensors.
Old cities report ships in orbit, only if the ships are units of the city's empire.
Event Log
New cities do not report an event log like old cities.
New cities now report their event log. Some tuning may be needed to get the right events into the log and to not report events too often or that don't matter.