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Full Version: Another Plead for Moderation
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If deantwo becomes moderator i'm ditching hazeron.
Whoever is in favour of this is heavily biased.
Don't fall for it, haxus.

Some people agree that DEAN is the main problem.
Okay, i give up my inquiry as mod if it means that in turn dean doesn't become mod either.

I know it's not many, but SOME people want to enjoy hazeron.

PS: it was just an offer anyways
This is all up to Haxus anyway.
We shouldn't force Haxus to do anything, but yes we do need an active moderator on this forum.

I am sure people would do it for free, or in exchange for free Hazeron game-time.
And they don't need to actually police the normal members for now, any rule infractions can and should probably go through Haxus until he is comfortable.
At most we need to someone to clean up spam, until hopefully the worst of this is over and the spambots stop.

I am happy that people trust and believe I can do it.

Either way we need to hear what Haxus has to say about it.
Last I time I believe Haxus mentioned that he didn't feel right having anyone do it without paying them.
(10-19-2019, 12:15 PM)Slaxx Wrote: [ -> ]If deantwo becomes moderator i'm ditching hazeron.
Whoever is in favour of this is heavily biased.
Don't fall for it, haxus.

Some people agree that DEAN is the main problem.
Okay, i give up my inquiry as mod if it means that in turn dean doesn't become mod either.

I know it's not many, but SOME people want to enjoy hazeron.

PS: it was just an offer anyways
Dean being a mod doesn't change anything for you.
(10-19-2019, 12:15 PM)Slaxx Wrote: [ -> ]If deantwo becomes moderator i'm ditching hazeron.
Really? Then I vote for Deantwo to be moderator.
(10-21-2019, 08:57 PM)AnrDaemon Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-19-2019, 12:15 PM)Slaxx Wrote: [ -> ]If deantwo becomes moderator i'm ditching hazeron.
Really? Then I vote for Deantwo to be moderator.
I'll second this motion.
(10-19-2019, 12:15 PM)Slaxx Wrote: [ -> ]If deantwo becomes moderator i'm ditching hazeron.

nothing personal
holy moly the update thread is getting russian'd
We really need a moderator, the spam levels are reaching out of control extremely fast!
The reCaptcha definitely helped.
There are a lot fewer spambot signing up on the forum then before. At least fewer low-tech spambots.

The recent spambots are however extra-spammy. They post between 20 to 50 posts/threads each day.

Haxus needs to at least login on the forum once per day to ban all the reported spambots (which I and others have been doing nicely it seems). Which shouldn't be too much work now that most of the spam is coming from few spambots rather than many.

Long term though, we need some nofollow links plugin or usergroups to make it pointless for the spambots to be here.
See: (Thread) Re: Remove the spammers

A proper nofollow links setup combined with at least daily spambot banning should be enough to get it under control. But this problem will probably still go on for quite a while before it goes away.
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