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Building numbers - Printable Version

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Building numbers - Etgfrog - 12-28-2018

I figured I would post these numbers.
5000 M3 per 1
1132 M3 per 1
7.25 M3 per 1
0.085 M3 per 1
2265 M3 per 1
Large Home
228 M3 per 1
Medium Home
114 M3 per 1
Small Home
57 M3 per 1
637 M3 per 1
34 M3 per 1
91 M3 per 1
566 M3 per 1

4000 m2 per 1

Requirements for harsh enviroments. Both framework and armor counts for the % required. The number in the ( ) is what you multiply to the total volume of a building to allow it in that environment. Life support is per job or house.
0 %
1 m3 Life support
5 % (1.053)
3 m3 Life support
11 % (1.124)
4 m3 Life support
Sea Bottom
15 %  (1.177)
0.5 m3 Life support
Frigid Sea
20 % (1.25)
2 m3 Life support
Gas Giant
25 % (1.334)
3.5 m3 Life support

As an example on how to use this. Say you want to have a 10 slot cantina on an inferno planet.
First you add 1 office. +34 m3 = 34 m3
Then you add 10 lounge. +6370 m3 = 6404 m3
Add some commodity storage. +100 m3 = 6504 m3
Add life support. +44 m3 = 6548 m3
Mulitply by the framework requirement and round up. 6548 * 1.124 = 7359.952 = 7360 m3

Now this does mean if you want universal buildings then its 4 m3 of life support per job/house and a multiplier of 1.334.

RE: Building numbers - AnrDaemon - 12-28-2018

This infomation is better suited for the Wiki. Mind lending a hand?

RE: Building numbers - Deantwo - 12-28-2018

Yeah, you are more than welcome to start working on the http://hazeron.com/wiki/index.php/Building_Design page.

See also the http://hazeron.com/wiki/index.php/Designer page for common designer information.

The designer wiki pages are in dire need of content.